Dominoes Blog
How to Play Dominoes
domino games domino rules Dominoes dominoes for fun easy domino games how to play dominoes rules of dominoes
Luxe Dominoes at Neiman Marcus!
Domino Set Dominoes Holiday Gifts Neiman Marcus The Christmas Book
It happened. That crazy thing that makes you feel that it was all worth it. It is our pleasure and honor to share that Luxe Dominoes are now available at Neiman Marcus. Yes, Neiman Marcus! We are in all stores as well as online. An don't forget to check out our feature in the 2017 Christmas Book! Page 37 : )
ASI Show Highlights
Luxe Dominoes recently made it's first trade show appearance at ASI Orlando 2017, and what a show it was! A great opportunity to meet many of the amazing people in the promotional products industry. Having our products on display for all distributors and being able to tell our story was exhilarating to say the least. The reception by all that stopped by was humbling, insightful and very encouraging. Check out some of the images of our booth and the activities. We hope to connect with all our new friends in the coming weeks. Here's to a great 2017 filled with...
It's time to launch!
It's the moment we've all been waiting for! The time has come! There's no turning back now! It's party time! All of these are true as today we will be having our launch event at Boho Hunter in Wynwood. Stop by for a cocktail and to see our modern take on the traditional domino box. No to mention what a cool father's day gift these would be. We'll be setting up a couple of domino tables to get a feel for them. Once you play with a domino rack you'll never go back. You'll be able to also see the...
Welcome to Luxe Dominoes
We are so thrilled that you are here! We have been working really hard to bring this modern domino set design to life and it's exciting to finally be sharing it with the world. We will be posting regular updates on our launch here as well as tips for improving your domino game, trends in the world of dominoes and much more. Stay tuned for updates on our Instagram as well!